Investment Objective

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FAQs on Axis Focused Fund

Axis Focused 25 Fund is an open ended multi cap equity scheme which invests in a maximum of 25 stocks of large cap, mid cap, and small cap companies. Axis Focused 25 Fund aims to generate long term capital appreciation by investing in a concentrated portfolio of equity & equity related instruments of up to 25 companies. Investors with a very high risk appetite who are seeking capital appreciation over the long term with exposure to equity markets may consider investing in equity funds like Axis Focused 25 Fund.

Investing in Axis Focused 25 Fund is a good option as this scheme aims to generate capital appreciation by picking the best 25 stocks. This fund is ideal for investors who wish to invest in a scheme that invests across market capitalization. Investing in Axis Focused 25 Fund may allow investors to create wealth however, investors may need to have a long term investment horizon spanning over three years to five years minimum so that this equity fund can perform and deliver decent returns over in the long run. Also, only investors who carry a very high risk appetite should consider investing in Axis Focused 25 Fund. Investors can target their life’s long term financial goals like buying their dream home, building a commendable retirement corpus, securing their child’s financial future, building a marriage corpus for their child, etc. by investing in Axis Focused 25 Fund.

While an equity mutual fund has the leeway to decide how many stocks to invest in, focused funds can invest in up to 30 stocks. Axis Focused 25 Fund builds its investment portfolio by investing in 25 stocks that have growth potential. The fund invests across market capitalization as there are no restrictions on that front. The AMC accumulates financial resources from investors sharing a common investment objective and invests this accumulated sum across market capitalization. In exchange, the investors receive units in accordance with the scheme’s existing Net Asset Value (NAV). The Axis Focused 25 Fund may invest in large, mid, and small stocks that have growth potential and can offer long term earnings to investors.

Here are some of the primary benefits of investing in Axis Focused 25 Fund:

  • Axis Focused 25 Fund is a scheme that invests in a concentrated portfolio of high conviction ideas (up to 25).
  • Axis Focused 25 Fund focuses on companies that have the capability to sail through their business cycles without being affected by short term market volatility.
  • While Axis Focused 25 Fund offers the benefit of higher exposure to the best ideas, the portfolio is well diversified across sectors to manage risk.
  • Axis Focused 25 Fund invests in equity, which, as an asset class holds the potential to beat inflation and generate long term wealth.
  • Axis Focused 25 Fund can help investors achieve their life’s on long-term financial goals such as children’s education and their future, retirement, or any other long term growth that needs a wealth creation plan.

Axis Focused 25 Fund is an equity mutual fund that falls under the focused fund category. Focused funds are those equity mutual funds that target up to 30 stocks to build their investment portfolio. Here, the fund manager can only shuffle between 30 company stocks to help the scheme achieve its investment objective. Although the focused fund has a concentrated portfolio limiting to 30 stocks, the fund can invest across market capitalization.