Our Equity Mutual Fund Schemes


Our equity schemes are designed to generate returns by investing in shares of publicly listed companies

Equity mutual funds aim to generate returns by investing in stocks of publicly listed companies across market capitalizations. Equity mutual funds typically come with moderate to high risk. The performance of the companies the mutual fund invests in plays a key role in deciding the investors’ returns. Investors may decide to invest in equity funds depending on their risk profile, investment horizon, and investment goals. Equity mutual funds are generally suited for the longterm, that is, five years or more.

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Disclaimer: The calculator alone is not sufficient and shouldn't be used for the development or implementation of an investment strategy. This tool is created to explain basic financial / investment related concepts to investors. The tool is created for helping the investor take an informed decision and is not an investment process in itself. Mutual Fund does not provide guaranteed returns. Investors are advised to seek professional advice from financial, tax and legal advisor before investing.
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Frequently Asked Questions

When to invest in equity funds?

When you have a very high risk appetite and a long term investment horizon spanning over 5 years or more, then you may consider investing in equity funds. Having a long term investment horizon might allow the equity fund to tackle market fluctuations and deliver. If you are looking for a mutual fund scheme that predominantly invest in equity, you may consider investing in equity funds.

Benefits of investing in equity funds

Is it good to invest in equity funds?

What is Equity Fund?

How Does an Equity Mutual Fund work?

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